
The 6-week Stress & Anxiety Program

This program is for everybody: we can all benefit from a greater depth of understanding of our bodies and the processes happening beneath the skin.

Using touch, pressure, movement, breath and the senses, you will gain practical techniques to release tension, ease anxiety, reset your nervous system, detoxify the lymphatic system, improve the quality of your breathing, and significantly decrease symptoms of stress in the body, such as chronic pain, fatigue and poor sleep.

While talking therapies are a popular way of emotionally processing the pain and suffering we all experience, our bodies also experience trauma on a physical level, and so in this course, we address trauma stored in the body and by working on the systems of the body that can release it.

In this specifically curated 6-week program where each session builds on the principles and techniques of the previous session, you will leave with a superior sense of health & well-being, as well as the freedom from the limiting impact of stress & anxiety on your life.

    1. How to drain your own lymphatic system by touching different points on the body

    2. Techniques to release tension in the jaw & head for migraine relief

    3. How to breathe properly & advanced breathwork techniques that release unconscious trauma

    4. How to reset your vagus nerve to relieve stress & anxiety

    5. Eye movement exercises that reduce anxiety and neck tension & improve vision and balance

    6. How to make your nervous system more resilient to stress & anxiety

    7. Facial lymphatics for clear skin & a calm mind

    8. How to perform organ resets on yourself

    9. How to massage your own bowel to reduce bloating & ease constipation

    10. The art of myofascial touch release

    1. Feelings of overwhelming stress & anxiety

    2. Digestive issues & bloating

    3. Chronic fatigue & sleep problems

    4. Inflammation, poor circulation & skin issues

    5. Foggy brain & migraines

    1. A one-to-one 60-minute live online session per week for 6 weeks.

    2. An aftercare worksheet for every session to support your independent practice outside of each weekly session.

    3. Support & communication between sessions as required.

Outline of each session

Session 1

An introduction to the lymphatic system and how to move lymph fluid by touching certain points on the body. We will also cover various breathing techniques that support the nervous system in its response to stress & anxiety.

Session 2

We start with an extended version of the touch map for the lymphatic system that we started in session 1. Then it’s all about the eyes as we learn how nervous system recovery is intimately connected to eye function through different eye exercises.

Session 3

We begin the session with several new breathing techniques to calm the nervous system. Then we move on to facial lymphatics. By draining the lymph nodes housed in the face, we support overall health and wellbeing, physically and mentally.

Session 4

This focuses on how to perform organ resets on yourself as well as abdominal massage & a vagus nerve reset. The vagus nerve is the epicentre of the nervous system and so learning how to stimulate it is your secret weapon in fighting stress.

Session 5

We start with a powerful hyperventilation breath technique that releases trauma on a cellular level that can be the root cause of anxiety. For the rest of the session, we work on other peripherals of the nervous system such as the tongue, before concluding with a self-bowel massage that helps with the common stress & anxiety symptoms of constipation & bloating.

Session 6

Our final session focuses on skull work for headache & migraine relief. Through a series of touches & exercises on the head, we can not only alleviate pain & headaches caused by blood flow restriction but also calm the nervous system down, improving sleep, and relieving anxiety.
